The undergraduate department of Environmental Science is one of the largest departments of Government Degree College Pattan which strives tirelessly for inculcating environmental stewardship qualities in our young students so that they may evolve into future guardians of the environment. The Department has been functioning from 2005, ever since the inception of this college. Till date the Department has been successfully able to infuse environmental sensitivity among hundreds of its students in particular and masses in general by way of conducting various programs like seminars, debates, essay and painting competitions, online and offline programs, rallies etc. The department undertakes cleanliness drives as a regular feature of its co-curricular activities and contributes significantly towards the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan. The department believes in taking the classroom knowledge to the field so as to diminish the boundaries between curriculum and community. In order to inculcate and embolden environmental compassion among students, the college has established the Arinimaal Eco-Club where students from varied subjects and streams unite to undertake the environmental activities voluntarily under the guidance of their teachers and mentors. Currently, the subject is taught as a minor in the college in accordance to NEP 2020 framework. The department also offers Environmental Science as Multi Disciplinary Course and Value Added Course.
Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream has been poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.
Welcome to the department of Environmental Science, Government Degree College Pattan. The importance of environment and environmental studies cannot be undermined especially in the current scenario when our planet is plagued by a multitude of environmental problems. The main objective of this department is to make students conscientious and compassionate towards environment and environmental protection so that they may develop stewardship qualities essential for the sustainable growth of nature and natural resources. Environmental Science is regarded as the most relevant discipline in the contemporary world. It is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment for designing solutions to the local and global environmental issues. The key to all the environmental solutions lies in spreading awareness about the importance of environmental processes including natural resources, biodiversity, ecosystems, pollution etc at the grass root level. At the Department of Environmental Science, we believe that we have not inherited this earth from our ancestors but have borrowed it from our future generations and as such we ought to handover a better, cleaner, greener, healthier and a sustainably developed world to our children by way of connecting them to nature and environment at grass root levels in classrooms and fields as well.
After successful completion of the program students will be able to:
- Identify and devise solutions for global environmental problems.
- Develop a deep connect with nature and natural processes.
- Disseminate awareness regarding environmental issues hence acting as the agents of change.
- Help in attaining a sustainable future for the planet Earth.
The main objective of the program is to develop and discover sustainable ways of life through dissemination of knowledge and to restore the lost connection between human and nature for a sustainable planet and prosperous populace.
The faculty works tirelessly towards attainment of the program and course objectives.
- Internal evaluations are carried by the Department on a regular basis.
- Assessment tools include:
- Tutorials
- Surprise tests
- Group discussions
- Class presentations
- Assignments
- Class attendance
- These tools are used to monitor the growth and level of student comprehension which act as a solid bedrock for achieving the goals.
Name / Mobile/Email
Teaching Experience
Dr. Shahzadi Wufai Naw Bahaar
Assistant Professor (HOD)
Ph. D, SET
